Monday, March 15, 2010


This memo was not included in the book. But I decided to try and take a stab at least at locating an image that would represent what I think Calvino may have written about Consistency. I think that Calvino would have focused on the consistency of the message or the narrative or the information that was being streamed through the literary. He may have looked at the "moral of the stories" that Greek mythology had to offer the reader, then the listener, and evaluated the consistancy. I do not feel, however, that by consistency Calvino would mean "same" or "boring". The presentation of the information could be rather "in-consistant" and that is what makes the message so consistent within the literary.

The image I have chosen is a drawing done by the artist Jimmy Lee Hill, he currently resides here in our very own state in the city of Lincoln. His drawings are amazingly unique and I am very intrigued by his artistic style. As you can see, in this particular drawing, Mr. Hill chooses to mix the realistic with the "fanciful". I hope that Mr. Hill will forgive my lack of artistic knowledge when it comes to artistic terms. The presentation of this piece is abosolutley brilliant. I would now like to discuss how I interpreted the meaning of this piece of the literary. Twiggy, a famouse icon of the fashion world, is the subject of the piece. Her face is drawn with such realism that it looks like a photograph. The branches and the noose are the non-realistic parts of the drawing. While both elements are wonderfully executed, they are differnt non-the-less. I feel that although this piece of art almost has constrasting constructional elements, the message of the piece is consistent. Twiggy is the icon, she as an icon is firmly rooted in the fashion world. The noose may or may not represent the consequences in rooting oneself in such a world. I would even venture to say that this consistant message may not have been as effectively portrayed or even portrayed at all of solely one or the other stylistic approached was taken by Mr. Hill to create this piece.

I really think that the consistency of the message of the literary piece would have been Calvino's main concern.

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