
To begin my search for this book online, I simply googled the title and then googled the author's name. The title turned up the generally expected selection of summaries, sparknotes, wikepedia definitions, and places to purchase this novel and have it shipped to one's house in its physical form to then be read as a piece of physically printed literature.

Similar results popped up when I searched "Harper Lee". I did however, find her website. While the website did have interaesting information such as Bio information about the author, Harper Lee, when it came to the novel, the links brought me once again to a place where I could only purchase a novel to be sent to me in print literature form.

I was a little bit disappointed that I was unable to find a more electronic based form of the work, however, each endevor in this project must be used towards finding answers about our approach to literature, and even though the book really doesn't exist in an electronic form, we must ask, "What is this telling us?".  First, I feel that it is telling us something does not absolutely have to be in an electronic form to interest students.  Do I think students would enjoy this work in an electronic form? Yes.  This book may still be appropriate to use in a literature studying classroom, however, instead of doing a paper over it, students should have the option to interact with the text in an electronic version they have created themeslves.  That would be really neat to see!