Monday, March 22, 2010

An overview of the method to the madness

This blog as well as the other five blogs will be focused on the five chapters of the book "Six Memos For the next Generation" by Italo Calvino. He addresses what he considered to be important elements to litature in this book of lectures. For any reader who may not have read this particular work, the chapters are labeled as follows: "Lightness", "Quickness", "Exactitude", "Visibilty", and "Multiplcity". At first these terms do not seem to exemplify components or characterisitics of literature, but with the help of classic literary examples, Calvino executes each chapter by exemplifying its importance within a literary work. As it is obvious to the reader, there are only five chapters but six memos. The sixth memo's title can be found at the beginning of the book, and it appears to be erased. It appears to be the word "Consistency". This memo, one would assumer, was not written and therefore not included in the book. It would be interesting to use Calvino's method in the first five chapters to come up with my own version of what "Consistency" may mean within the world of literature. Something I am considering attempting.


  1. That sounds like an interesting idea...

  2. I thought I might try to atleast find an image for the honors credite part of this class :). I will probably be way off, as I don't feel capable of conjuring ideas at the same level as Calvino, but thought it would be fun to try!
